The economic importance of the peanuts production chain


  • Fabiano Pinto Neves School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.
  • Alisson Rodolfo Leite School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.
  • Leandro Paloma Mantovani School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.
  • Celso da Silva School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.
  • Luís Roberto Almeida Gabriel Filho School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.
  • Sandra Oliveira School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.



Exports, Economic Impact, Development, Technology, SDGs


The importance and economic representativeness of the peanut production chain has grown exponentially in recent years, tending to gain more market share. Background: The study had as its theme the question: What is the economic, technological, social and environmental relevance of the peanut production chain for Brazil? Objective: Conduct a survey of information and data that allow inferring the economic, social and environmental importance of the peanut production chain for Brazil in the global scenario. Methods: The methodology applied was exploratory research "ad hoc" in exploratory theoretical essay of qualitative approach, and analytical descriptive in the report of the findings. Results: Exports grow on a logarithmic scale, in 2020 it had revenues of US$ 427.8 million. The sector generates 42 thousand jobs, and the culture makes it possible to meet social and environmental demands. Conclusions: The adoption of technologies and the improvement of production methods are essential for the continuous progress of the sector with the creation of jobs and the adhesion of new producers, with an increasingly sustainable production, with less environmental impact and reduction of fertilizer waste, with expansion of the productive capacity per planted bushel.


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Author Biographies

Fabiano Pinto Neves, School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.

Fabiano Pinto Neves has an international agricultural technical training from the Shunji Nishimura Technology Foundation (1999) which maintains the Agricultural College of Pompéia, a degree in Business Administration from the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of Tupã ? FACCAT (2005) and a postgraduate degree in Business Economics from the State University of Londrina - UEL (2009). Master's student in Agribusiness and Development at Unesp - São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - Faculty of Science and Engineering - Tupã Campus. Currently, he works as a Senior Marketing Analyst in the Marketing department at Máquinas Agrícolas Jacto S.A (Pompéia - SP) and also in the area of teaching in higher education, being a professor and Coordinator of the Administration course at the Faculty of Accounting Sciences and Administration of Tupã - FACCAT and postgraduate professor at the University of Marília - UNIMAR. He has national and international professional experience in the agribusiness sector; experience in Marketing, Communication, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Digital Strategies, Marketing Plan, Media and Advertising Plan, Content Planning, Customer Experience, Analytics. In the educational sector, it operates in the disciplines: OSM (Organization, Systems and Methods), Entrepreneurship, TGA (General Management Theory), Economics, Administration and Organization, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Project Management and Innovation, Agribusiness. In post-graduation he works as a professor at the University of Marília-Unimar with the discipline Digital Marketing. He coordinates Faccat's junior company and the Professions Fair project, which aims to provide information to the local community about the courses offered by the college, and also coordinates the Empreender Faccat project, which seeks to spread the entrepreneurial spirit in academia.

Alisson Rodolfo Leite, School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.

Graduated in Materials, Process and Electronic Components from Fatec-SP(2009), and Master in Electrical Engineering at Escola Politécnia - USP (2016), Doctoral Student in Agribusiness and Development at São Paulo State University (UNESP)

Leandro Paloma Mantovani, School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.

Graduated in Agronomy from Faculdades Adamantinenses Integradas (2016). He is currently a rural administrator at Agropecuária Mantovani, graduating in Mechanization in Precision Agriculture at the Faculty of Technology of Pompéia, postgraduate in Grain Production at Faculdade Rehagro and Master's in Agribusiness Development at São Paulo State University (UNESP)

Celso da Silva, School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.

Bachelor in Business Administration from School of Sciences and Engineering (FCE), São Paulo State University (Unesp). Postgraduate student in People, Business and Performance Analytics Development at University Center Maurício de Nassau (UNINASSAU). Representative of the Regional Council of Administration—CRA/SP

Luís Roberto Almeida Gabriel Filho, School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.

Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from FCT/UNESP (2000), Master's degree in Mathematics from ICMC/USP (2004), PhD (2007) and Postdoctorate in Agronomy/Energy in Agriculture from FCA/UNESP, Habilitation in Applied and Computational Mathematics at UNESP (2015). Currently an Associate Professor at FCE/UNESP and a permanent lecturer in the Graduate Programs in Agribusiness and Development at FCE/UNESP and Agronomy/Irrigation and Drainage at FCA/UNESP. Has experience in Mathematics and Agricultural Engineering, with emphasis in Mathematical Modeling, Dynamic Systems, Rural Energization and Irrigated Agriculture, working mainly in the following subjects: applied mathematics and computational, and fuzzy systems applied to the agricultural sciences.

Sandra Oliveira, School of Sciences and Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Tupã 17602-673, Brazil.

Graduated in Statistics from UNESP, 1996
Master in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from USP, 1999
PhD in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from USP, 2005


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How to Cite

Neves, F. P., Leite, A. R., Mantovani, L. P., da Silva, C., Gabriel Filho, L. R. A., & Oliveira, S. C. D. (2023). The economic importance of the peanuts production chain. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 17.



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