
  • M. M. Baesso
  • F. T. P. Koja
  • A. Chi Lin Sun
  • A. J. Modolo
  • F. L. Caneppele



remote sensing, brix degrees, control charts


The quality of the coffee may vary spatially in the same area according to the interaction of environmental and genetic background presented to the culture. This spatial variability can be decisive for the producer, since the commercial value of coffee is influenced by its quality. A viable alternative to assume the quality of the coffee is from the soluble solids content (degrees brix) of the fruit. In this way, the spatial variability of solids content in conilon coffee harvested at the cherry stage was analyzed in order to determine management zones in terms of quality. The method was developed on a 2 ha property in the municipality of Ribeirão Corrente, in the north of the State of São Paulo. A georeferenced sample of the cherry coffee was carried out and the values ​​of brix were measured by means of a portable refractometer. Data analysis was performed using dendrogram and "K means" methods, defining three classes for brix values, below 16.5, between 16.6 and 19.7 and above 19.8. A map indicating the spatial variability of the brix grades of the cherry coffee fruits was obtained and it was concluded that there is a small area of the property with greater potential to produce of a higher quality coffee. Indicating, the opportunity to use a specific management that privileges the commercialization of the fruits produced in that place.


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How to Cite

Baesso, M. M., Koja, F. T. P., Chi Lin Sun, A., Modolo, A. J., & Caneppele, F. L. (2019). SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF CHERRY COFFEE QUALITY. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 13(2), 109–115.



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