
  • A. J. Lima
  • D. G. Santos
  • D. C. G. S. Michelan
  • L. C. Mendonça



slow sand filters, water treatment, review of the literature


The first water treatment plants were incorporated slow filters. Screening action together with physico-chemical mechanisms and notably providing this great system biological efficiency in water treatment, mainly with regard to pathogenic micro-organisms. However, this process has been replaced by more complex techniques and, in many cases, more expensive. This is due in part by the reduction of water quality of water sources and providers part by ignorance of the possibilities and technical solutions to slow filtration. Given situation referred to above, this research has conducted a systematic mapping of the literature search for theses and dissertations submitted to the Brazilian graduate programs, adopting standard procedures for this type of review. The systematic mapping resulted in 29 work aligned to the research topic, which constituted the Bibliographical Research Portfolio, so that your analysis has allowed, among others: evaluate the publications per period, institutions that most study the subject, teachers involved and their relationships, meet the programs potentially in possession of papers on the topic and ratify the efficiency of "filtration slow" and "treatment of water" in the search for work on slow filters.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. J., Santos, D. G., Michelan, D. C. G. S., & Mendonça, L. C. (2019). SLOW FILTRATION: SYSTEMATIC MAPPING OF BRAZILIAN THESES AND DISSERTATIONS. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 13(2), 132–146.



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