
  • K. de Oliveira
  • D. F. Fachiolli
  • D. A. da Silva
  • L. G. F. Bueno
  • D. J. de Moura



horse, auxiliary reins, thermography, training


The objective of this study was to identify the pattern of activation of the superficial musculature by means of infrared thermography in horses submitted to training with a person or lateral rein, monitoring the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, abdominal and pelvic regions. Ten athletes equine Quarter Horse were used, delineated in subdivided plots, resulting in ten replications per treatment. Two treatments were used; in the first group the horses were trained the guide with the use of the Person rein and in the second treatment the training was performed using the Lateral reins. Thermographic images were taken after ten minutes of work the guide with the Person and Lateral reins. Mean skin temperatures (Tp) were analyzed for five specific regions of the horse's body, representing the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, abdominal and pelvic regions. There was no significant (P> 0.05) effect of the use of the Person and Lateral ancillary reins on the activation of the superficial musculature of the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, abdominal and pelvic body regions, in which the values observed for Tp were, respectively, 33.23 and 33.62; 33.80 and 33.30; 32.83 and 32.42; 33.24 and 33.12; 33.43 and 33.30 ° C. It was concluded that the auxiliary reins Pessoa and Lateral have the same pattern of activation of the superficial musculature in athletes horses.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, K., Fachiolli, D. F., da Silva, D. A., Bueno, L. G. F., & de Moura, D. J. (2019). PESSOA AND LATERAL REINS ACTIVATE THE SAME SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES IN HORSES. Revista Brasileira De Engenharia De Biossistemas, 13(2), 116–123.



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